Information Systems Group (ISG)

Scheduled Downtime
Wednesdays from 6:00am - 8:00am MST
Please contact the help desk if this work needs to be rescheduled.
Note: the CGD Information Systems Group is now part of NCAR Research IT (NRIT), so if you need IT assistance then can submit a ticket via the help desk.
User forms
See the links below to various forms required for new users or users transfering in/out of CGD.
Common help topics
Wireless connections
There are three wireless networks available for use:
- UCAR Visitor – Connect to the network and open a web browser to register
- Staffnet – For staff only on UCAR-managed devices
- Eduroam – If you already have an Eduroam certificate from your home institution, use this. Full time staff can get setup with Eduroam on their devices
Printers are available for use, but you must be on the VPN to use them.
For more deatils on connecting and installing printers visit our printer documentation page or to view printer locations visit our printer locations page.
How to access CGD systems from outside:
- Virtual Private Network (VPN) using the GlobalProtect software which is installed by ISG
- Or SSH to perimeter systems and then into internal systems:
ssh -X -Y
ssh -X -Y
Visitors email is forwarded to your home institution or the email you provided us before starting. Staff emails with accounts can use Gmail to view their email.
Compute Environment
The following compute servers are available for general access:
- Post Processing * Large memory, single threaded jobs
- HPC Clusters * Model development and small domain jobs
* You must have a CGD account and password to access these systems. Speak to your admin or sponsor for an account request.
Each section has storage space under /project/<section> that is not backed up.
You also have 11GB in your home directory that is backed up.
Tranferring Data
NCAR/CGD has its own Globus endpoint. For more information refer to the CGD Globus documentation page.
Linux software environment
CGD uses modules to configure specific software/versions for use in the Linux environment, see the example commands below.
% module avail - list all available configuration/software
% module load <module> - load a specific module
% module purge - remove all modules form environment and make a clean start