Oceanography Section
Image from a high-resolution coupled simulation of Earth’s climate. Colors show ocean surface temperature, with reds being warm and blues cold: white is the coverage of sea ice and land ice. Acknowledgments to NCAR, NWSC, NSF, DOE.
Who We Are
The Oceanography Section in CGD is comprised of scientists and software engineers from diverse educational backgrounds including ocean physics and biogeochemistry; civil, aerospace and mechanical engineering; mathematics, oceanography, atmospheric science, and computer science. Section members interact with other members of CGD and NCAR via groups such as CESM Working Groups, as well as the broader modeling and science community, in the US and internationally. Outreach activities include contributing to the CESM Tutorial, helping graduate students with their research, and external talks to the public. The Oceanography Section regularly welcomes short and long-term interns and visitors to mentor and/or foster.
Our Mission
NCAR’s Oceanography Section (OS) seeks to understand ocean processes and their importance to climate and society. Areas of focus include global, regional, and coastal ocean dynamics across scales; formulation and application of the CESM ocean component; the role of the oceans in Earth system variability, predictions, and projections across time scales; ocean biogeochemical and ecosystem modeling; interactions with other components of the Earth system; ocean and climate data assimilation; and ocean modeling for human impacts and marine ecosystem and resource management applications.