Field of wheat

Developing a critically needed understanding of the Earth system and its human relationships as well as continue in our role as a leader of community-developed and community-owned models of the Earth system.

Playing proactive roles in setting the research agenda to address the urgent problems facing our nation and the world.

What We Do

Our research focuses to increase our understanding of atmospheric and climate variability and climate change through parallel development and analysis of observational, assimilated, model-generated and model-forcing datasets


The development and continuous improvement of a comprehensive climate modeling system


Information about publications from our staff and the institutional repository, OpenSky, that we use


Tools to increase access to and display of data have been developed, and a substantial service activity within CGD

Datasets & Resources

Facilitates access to extensive collections of climate model output and observational datasets. These products are very popular with climate change researchers, both in the United States and internationally.

Interdisciplinary Projects

Linking knowledge across a wide variety of disciplines, natural and social sciences, primarily through CGD's interdisciplinary sections to tackle difficult science issues from a variety of perspectives


Developing innovative Earth system modeling capabilities, with the ultimate goal of providing accurate and computationally advanced representations of the fully coupled and integrated Earth system.