TN - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- Based on North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- Available to Canadian and Mexican citizens only
- Based on employment and employer-specific (very similar to H-1B)
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be employee on payroll
- Must be Canadian or Mexican citizen
- Job must be a profession listed on the NAFTA specified-occupations list (engineers, mathematicians, scientists, biologists, chemists, geochemists, geologists, geophysicists, meteorologists, physicists, etc.)
- Minimum qualifications outlined in the occupations list, generally Bachelor’s degree
- TN applies at port-of-entry, no prior approval required
- Must provide proof of citizenship, detailed letter from employer, evidence that job is on occupations list, evidence of credentials, statement that entry is temporary
- Canadian citizens do not need a visa stamp but Mexican citizens do
- $50 application fee for Canadian citizens only
- Receives I-94 reflecting period of stay
- TN status is tied to employment and a specific employer
- A UCAR TN holder cannot work for another institution unless that institution applies for a concurrent TN
- Alternatively, a TN holder sponsored by another organization cannot work for UCAR unless authorized
- TN status is available in 3-year increments and may be extended with no limitation in the regulations
Once TN Employee Arrives
- Re-entry with I-94 card and visa (Mexican citizens)
- Up to 3 years by re-entering authorized port-of-entry (same as initial process) or applying with the USCIS