Staff Research
Front row: Julie Caron, Kirsten Mayer, Teagan King, Mari Tye, Katie Dagon; Back row: Steve Yeager, Nan Rosenbloom, Christine Shields, Hui Li, Yaga Richter, Aixue Hu, Gerald Meehl; Not shown: Gary Strand
The CCR Section has a Climate Change and Prediction (CCP) group that focuses on climate variability and change and is primarily funded by the DOE's Biological and Environmental Research program. This is DOE's contribution to the U.S. Global Change Research Program that integrates federal research on global change. CCP has concentrated on using initialized climate models to predict near-term climate (decadal climate prediction), analyzing model simulations and observations to study climate variability and change in the 20th and early 21st centuries, and running and analyzing climate projections with a variety of possible future emission scenarios to relate earth system processes to possible future changes in the climate system.