Workshops and Meetings
Upcoming Events
ARTMIP Future Directions Telecon
Date: Februrary 21st, 2025 1pm ET/ 10am PT
- Develop a roadmap for ARTMIP's role in for community and open science
- Ideas? Please fill out this survey
Past Events
ARTMIP Tier2-Reanalysis/Paleo Telecon
Date: 12 March 2021
- Present and discuss Renalayis comparison results
- Updates to other T2 subtopics, C20C+ and CMIP5/6
- T2 Paleo subtopic introduciton, experimental design, and timeline
- Discuss ARTMIP future directions and outstanding science questions
- T2 Reanaysis results discussed including new analaysis suggestions
- Paleo simulations (using CESM) include Holocene (10ka) orbital, LGM (21ka) ice sheet, and respective controls
- Catalogues will be run on ~30 year timeslices at the end of the simulations
- Catalogue collection ~ Winter (boreal) 2021/2022
- Discussed inclduing volunteer ARTMIP ARDTs into common framework
ARTMIP Tier2-Reanalysis Telecon
Date: 27 March 2020
- Motivation for need of Reanalysis senstivity subtopic
- Discussion and choice of reanalysis to include in subtopic
- Develop experimental design and timeline
- Experimental design developed and reanalyses identified
- Required datasets: MERRA-2 1hourly Native, ERA-5 1hourly native
- Optional datasets: JRA55, JRA-55c, CERA-20, ERA20C
- Required datasets due August 2020 and Optional due the Fall 2020
3rd ARTMIP Workshop
Date: 16-18 October 2019, Berkeley, CA
- Presentations of results from ongoing ARTMIP research
- Working discussion of current and future ARTMIP experiments
- Solicitation of expert identification of ARs and other weather phenomena for machine learning
Workshop Webpage
- Produced a workshop report and summary paper
- Developed analysis plan for CMIP5/6 papers
- Completion of successful AR tagging campaign to be published under ClimateNet project
ARTMIP Tier 2 CMIP5/C20C+ Telecon
Date: 7 June 2019
- Facilite applying algorithms to CMIP5 data
- Develop analyis plan
- Develop publication plan
- General updates, Tier 1 Paper, new algorithms, etc.
- Ashley Payne and Travis O'Brien announced as new committee members
- Discussed status of C20C+ analysis, missing data, available catalogues, analysis goals and potential Figures for C20C+ overview paper
- Discussed 3rd Workshop plans
- Discussed Tier2 CMIP5 data, design, timeline, and analysis plan
- Solicited voluteers for CMIP5 analysis
ARTMIP Initial Results C20C+ Telecon
Date: 4 March 2019
- Discuss scope of Tier 2 - C20C+ paper
- Present initial analysis and next steps
- Update on Tier 2 - CMIP5/6
- Update on Tier 1 Overview Paper (Rutz)
- Update on catalogue availability, quality control, and data access (Payne)
- Presentations and Discussion: AR life cycle (Zhou), initial C20C+ analysis (Shields)
- Scope of C20C+ paper and Discussion (Payne)
- Update on Tier 2 - CMIP5/6, 3rd ARTMIP workshop (O'Brien)
2nd ARTMIP Workshop
Date: April 23-24, 2018
Location: Gaithersburg, Maryland
- Discuss Tier 1 catalogues in context of science questions defined in 1st workshop
- Discuss Tier 1 analysis for science overview paper
- Discuss metrics and begin to formulate guidance on algorithmic choices based on Tier 1 results
- Adjust metrics, if necessary
- Discuss and organize Tier 2 catalogue details
- Climate change comparisons
- For re-analysis sensitivity comparisons
- CMIP5 data comparisons
- Discussed Tier 1 analysis and overview paper with next steps
- Organized Tier 2 subtopic details and created timelines
- High resolution climate change comparisons
- CMIP5 data comparisons
- Reanalysis sensitivity comparisons, including link to instrumental observations
- Discussed emerging needs and gaps in AR science
- Executive Summary
ARTMIP One-Month Trial Run Telecon
Date: 22 September 2017
- Review 1-month proof of concept catalogues
- Adjust experimental design, if necessary
- Adjust metrics, if necessary
- Discuss contributions for experimental design paper
- 15 groups participated in 1-month trial, along with two “Human” controls, i.e. 2 participants counted ARs “by eye” for both Western U.S. and Europe
- Discussed spread in intensity, frequency, and duration in catalogues
- Discussed refinement of metrics for both climatologies and case studies
- Set final requirements and dates for full catalogues, and contributions for experimental design paper
1st ARTMIP Workshop
Date: 10 - 11 May 2017
Location: Scripps Institute of Oceanography
- To create ARTMIP framework
- Choose common data set for initial catalogues
- Gain community input on key science questions
- Gain community input on AR metrics for ARTMIP
- Tier structure established
- Chose MERRA-2 1980-2017 for Tier 1 catalogues
- Designed a 1-month “proof of concept” trial run to work out bugs with Tier 1 design. February 2017 was chosen due to high AR frequency in PNW during this time period
- Chose CAM5 25km LLBL climate change runs for Tier 2 climate catalogues
- Key science questions are related to:
- Uncertainty regarding AR climatology
- The relationship between ARs and precipitation
- How these may be altered under future climate change scenarios
- Fundamental metrics include AR frequency, duration, intensity, and the climatology of these quantities
- Co-chairs will lead two papers:
- Outlining experimental design
- Scientific results from Tier 1