CGD Seminar Series 2021
Date | Speaker | Seminar Info |
14-Sept-2021 | Peter Webster - Georgia Tech | Interhemispheric Synchronization of Climate [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
21-Sept-2021 | Talea Mayo - Emory University | Climate change impacts on hurricane storm surge risk [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
28-Sept-2021 *Special time - 4pm* | Paige Martin, Australian National University | Drivers of atmospheric and oceanic surface temperature variance and the Coastal Ocean and Environment Summer School in Ghana [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
5-Oct-2021 | Keith Lindsay, NCAR | Application of a Newton-Krylov Solver to Spin-up Ocean Tracers [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
12-Oct-2021 | Ashley Payne, University of Michigan | Atmospheric rivers in a changing climate: characteristics and uncertainties from the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
19-Oct-2021 | Magdalena Balmaseda, ECMWF | Initialization and Forecast Strategies for Seamless Prediction [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
26-Oct-2021 | Adrianna Foster, NCAR | Disturbances within the North American Boreal and Arctic Domains: Observations and potential future trends [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
02-Nov-2021 | Brett Raczka, UCAR | Improving Carbon Cycling using Land Data Assimilation: Progress and Challenges [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
09-Nov-2021 | Yang Tian, NCAR | Understanding convection-environment interaction from high-res LES modeling and observations [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
16-Nov-2021 | Matt Osman, University of Arizona | Global climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum: new insights from paleoclimate data assimilation [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
30-Nov-2021 | Yao Fu, Georgia Tech | A stable Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a changing North Atlantic Ocean since the 1990's [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
07-Dec-2021 | Yona Silvy, Sorbonne Universite-LOCEAN/IPSL | Processes and timescales of anthropogenic heat emergence in the ocean [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
11-Jan-2022 | Nicola Maher, CIRES/CU Boulder | Using large ensembles to investigate ENSO teleconnections and future projections [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
18-Jan-2022 | Dan Wildcat, Haskell Indian Nations University | Returning Ancient Wisdom to the Earth Sciences [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
01-Feb-2022 | Matt Long, NCAR | Planetary Metabolism in the Anthropocene [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
08-Feb2022 | Isla Simpson, NCAR | What should we expect for the future of North American Hydroclimate? [Abstract][Live Replay] |
15-Feb-2022 | Yaga Richter, NCAR | Impacts of varying climate intervention strategies utilizing stratospheric aerosols on stratospheric and tropospheric climate [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
22-Feb-2022 | Tripti Bhattacharya, Syracuse University | Molecular perspectives on Pliocene hydroclimate in southwestern North America [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
01-March-2022 | Seth McGinnis, CGD/RAL -NCAR | Climate Change and Simultaneous Megafires in the Western US [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
08-March-2022 | Cancelled - Hansi Singh, University of Victoria | Anticipating Climate Change over Antarctica: Means and Extremes over a Warming Ice Sheet [Abstract] |
15-March-2022 | Dafydd Stephenson, NCAR | Causal attribution of North Atlantic sector variability using ocean adjoint models [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
29-March-2022 | Yue Dong, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University | The pattern effect and its implications for climate sensitivity [Abstract][Live Replay] |
05-April-2022 | Mitch Bushuk, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | Sea ice prediction in a changing cryosphere: Can we? Have we? Will we? [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
12-April-2022 | Hansi Singh, University of Victoria | Anticipating Climate Change over Antarctica: Means and Extremes over a Warming Ice Sheet [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
19-April-2022 | Luke Parsons, Duke University | Magnitudes and spatial patterns of forced and unforced interdecadal temperature variability in CMIP6 models [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
26-April-2022 | Rosimar Rios-Berrios, NCAR | Tropical Weather Systems in a Hierarchy of MPAS-A Aquaplanet and Real-Data Simulations [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
03-May-2022 | Clara Deser, NCAR | Projected Changes in Unforced Modes of Atmospheric Circulation Variability over the North Pacific in a Coupled Model Large Ensemble [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
10-May-2022 | Linda Mearns, CGD/RAL, NCAR | Should NCAR be more engaged in science directly relevant to the COPs? [Abstract] [Live Replay] |
17-May-2022 | Cancelled - Pedro DiNezio, University of Colorado, Boulder | Future increase in extreme El Nino supported by past glacial changes [Abstract] |