Research Sections

Our scientists pursue research as part of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and are broken up into focused sections.

Atmospheric Modeling & Predictability Section

Research focuses on increasing understanding of the atmosphere and its role in the climate system, through modeling and observational studies, and to represent that understanding in improved atmospheric models.

Climate Analysis Section (CAS)

Research focus is to increase understanding of the atmosphere through empirical studies and diagnostic analyses of the atmosphere and its interactions with the earth's surface and oceans on a wide range of time scales.

Earth System Predictability Section

Uses appropriate climate system models to study the response of the Earth system to a variety of forcings, including changes in carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases and aerosols.

Oceanography Section

Research is understanding the large-scale ocean circulation and the dynamics of climate through studies of the important processes in the ocean, in air-sea interaction, and in coupled systems

Paleo & Polar Climate Section

Enhance the understanding of the workings of the climate system through investigations of past climates and the role of polar regions in climate variability and change

Terrestrial Sciences Section

Studies land-atmosphere interactions, in particular, surface forcing of the atmosphere, through model development, application, and observational analyses

Research Integration

Three key groups in integrating science and service to support and strengthen scientific research efforts with CGD and NCAR.

CESM Software Engineering Group

Works on CSEG code development efforts and project management issues on the CESM project

Information Systems Group (ISG)

Provides computing technologies for the Climate & Global Dynamics laboratory and its collaborators

Administrative Team

The CGD Administrative Team provides extensive knowledge, expertise and best practices in administration, information, and management functions.